Thursday, July 19, 2012

Starter's Game?

This is another literature post so, please, everyone bear with me. At the behest of a long time friend and her domestic partner, a man who made my first life out of my dad's house much more bearable, I have in my possession Orson Scott Card's Sci-Fi novel "Ender's Game". But let's hold off on Ender for a bit and discuss a few prior happenings. Queue the eclecticism.

Some wild things have happened recently. I was participating in a softball league with some co-workers. We manged to win our quarter final match, won the semi-final match by a run in which I had an epic wipeout, injured my left forearm pretty bad, and managed to score a run, and won the final after we played a very good defensive shift and caused bad hits from the opposing team.

Another fun item, I recently purchased a set of dumbbells and a jump rope, and I have been putting them to good work. After 2 years here in Arizona, my physical shape is un-excuseable, and I am attempting to drop some weight and get into better conditioning. So the workouts have been going well. I am sore many times a week, a nice reminder of what used to happen when I was in high school athletics. Another positive is I have an amazing backpacking trip in just under a month(mentioned previously) and I would like to not die on the trail.

Also previously mentioned is my semi-obsession with video games. Valve/Steam are evil with their summer sale. On the plus side, I have picked up some games I have coveted on the cheap. If anyone would like to know what I currently have available for gifting, let me know, I might just have something to pique your interest. I have been playing Dungeon Defenders, although I have not completed the Eternia Shards content yet. I am waiting for a nice block of time in which I can complete the entire story. Also, it appears that my money is tighter than I had hoped, thus I might have to postpone a new computer for a bit longer.

Alongside my workouts, as in I have been watching series on Netflix and workingout. I just finished the 5 seasons of "30 Rock" that Netflix has. I regret not seeing this gem of a show before. It is excellent and many kudos must be given to those who made the show possible, especially Tina Fey. With the completion of "30 Rock" I returned to an old love of mine, quite possibly my favorite series ever. From the creative genius of Bill Lawrence, who had a hand in "Spin City", is "Scrubs". A medical, situational comedy focusing on John "J.D." Dorian as his career unfolds from a lowly Intern to an Attending at Sacred Heart(Sacred Fart?) Hospital. The comedy of "Scrubs" might be described as stoner comedy. The story is driven on the happenings in the life of J.D., mostly focused in the hospital, and narrated by his inner monologue. The writing is witty, ironic, and very often emotional. There isn't much more to say about "Scrubs", because honestly, you need to watch it. If you haven't seen it, experience "Scrubs" for the first time. If you are an old fan of "Scrubs", re-watch it.

Then there is work. Things are a bit chaotic, with the data center move going on, the endless support of my applications needy user base, the frustrations of co-workers on the help desk, the intro into Java Web Apps/Spring I have been receiving, the QA, and maybe most importantly, the NA IT reorganization, that has left me wondering if my contract will be extended or left to expire. So, there might be a Quality Analyst with Top Tier Application Support, Java Web Development, Data Center move, and some Data Analyst experience looking for a job. You should all start planning your budgets accordingly. Regardless of the job security, things will definitely be interesting and challenging for the next 6 months.

Now class, where am i going with all of this? Well, to be honest, nowhere. I was just recapping(a very common occurrence on this blag). Oh, you meant where was I going with this particular post. Well, the Focus is "Ender's Game", or rather, the Introduction to Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game" penned by Orson Scott Card(yes he wrote the introduction to his own novel). But, before we get there, I need to mention some Crichton. Since we were last together I read another pair of Crichton novels, "Timeline" and "Congo". "Timeline" was better than "Congo". Both were very good though, and are easily identifiable to Crichton's writing style. "Timeline" is about time travel relying on Quantum Science(including multiple universes) and a nice historical setting. "Congo" is about a journey to, wait for it, the Congo, a Gorrilla that speaks ASL, the discovery of a new species, a ruined city, blue diamonds, and a volcano. Both were very enjoyable. Not much more of a write up needed for those two, especially since you should just go grab them yourself and experience the wonder that is a Crichton novel.

And here we are. I already ruined the build up to this moment. I am not targeting "Ender's Game" in this post. Instead, I am targeting the Introduction to "Ender's Game", once again, both written by Card. Having never read any of Card's work, and in fact, barely and rarely hearing about the Ender series, but hearing relly good things recently, I decided I would take the chance. Thus I now own the first 8 books in the series, in the form of 2 paper back boxed sets. But I digress. Back to the introduction. Card's candid and enlightening 10 pages of introduction have me exited to delve deeper into his work. Will I love it? I honestly do not know. But I am extremely hopeful.

Well, it's late, and I am tired. I didn't work out as much as I had hoped tonight, and on the same note, I didn't get to start season 2 of "Scrubs". Guess I will have to save that for tomorrow afternoon. And, I have a brand new novel to read. In conclusion, thank you everyone, I've been great.

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